Niels Mertins, Consultant
"My mouse used to be a small flat version, which did nothing good for my arm, and when I held Teams meetings I sat with my neck bent to look into the camera.
I now use a Unimouse, which has given me a much more natural hand position. My Laptop Riser means that when I work with screens, my laptop is at the same height as my desktop screen, which reduces tension in the shoulder/neck."

Cassandra, Account Manager with IT-Partner
"I wasn't completely satisfied with the keyboard and mouse I was using. Shortly after I began using them, I experienced pain in my hands and back.
Now, I use a RollerMousePro and the Balance keyboard.
I have noticed that I have become more enduring at work, especially with tasks that require a lot of typing. I have also developed better posture while working, so I no longer need to take breaks to relieve my back and wrists."

Mischa, Life Coach
"I started using the Unimousetwo years ago, and it has totally changed my approach to navigating a screen.
I love how easy my arm feels throughout my day, and there's no more strain on my wrist that I got from using a trackpad. I'll never go back to any arrangement that isn't ergonomic and doesn't have built-in right-click and scroll capacity so easily available."

Mette Ferrold, Couples Therapist
“I was introduced to the RollerMouseRed several years ago, and we now use it daily in my practice.
Learning to use it took a bit of adjusting, but now the RollerMousehas become indispensable.
It is a lifesaver when doing administrative work because it ensures a good body posture when I use the computer for many hours."