Don't be like Lars, ask your employer for a Contour RollerMouse
Improve your working posture
Created for your comfort
Futureproof your health
Contour collaborates with the leading IT suppliers in the market that provide services to a wide range of companies.
Check with your employer if you can get an ergonomic RollerMouse.
Contour Premium Partners
Backshop Ergonomic advice by therapists with an expertise center in Rotterdam or Breda.
Ergo2Go has been providing ergonomic solutions for a healthy workplace for over 15 years.
Health2Work is the knowledge partner in the field of ergonomics in the Netherlands, aiming to advise and provide healthy and efficient work environments.
Dustin is one of the leading retailers in the Scandinavian region for home electronics and IT products, serving both individuals and businesses.
Why make the switch
The RollerMouse Pro is ergonomically designed to reduce wrist strain and promote healthier posture. Unlike a traditional mouse, which require users to move their hands back and forth to operate, the RollerMouse Pro allows users to navigate the cursor from a neutral, central position right in front of the keyboard.
Compared to other centered computer mice, the RollerMouse Pro has a lighter, open design while keeping the well-known features from the other RollerMouse products. You'll be in complete control with the Rollerbar, programmable buttons, and large scroll wheel, all within easy reach.
If you're looking for an ergonomic computer mouse that can help improve your productivity, the RollerMouse Pro is the perfect choice.
Learn more
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